

Census mapping has a strategic basis in that the quality of maps used in the census influences the quality and reliability of census data. In the enumeration phase, maps play a vital role in guiding enumerators to dwellings and other places where people are likely to be during the enumeration period. They are important in ensuring full and unduplicated coverage of geographic areas. Maps have a management function as well, as they enable the estimation of the number of personnel required for the census.

The maps that were required for the Census included planning maps, supervision area (SA) maps, and enumeration area (EA) maps. The key features of the maps were: boundaries; place names; location of structures and villages; identification tables; codes; map titles; map legends; a north arrow; and logos.

The process of preparing census enumeration area maps for Myanmar began in June 2012.Township Immigration Officers who prepared the maps were trained on the objectives of the census, the roles of maps in the census process, concepts of sketching maps at township and ward/village tract levels, and plotting new landmark features on the maps. After merging all topographical sheets that make up the entire country, maps of each of the 330 Townships were printed and distributed to the respective Township Immigration field offices. The Township Immigration Officers then collected information on the total number of households and the population of institutions in each ward and village tract.

Maps to Guide Interviewers

Maps were drawn for over 16,000 village tracts and wards. In total, 81,750 enumeration areas were created for each township, covering almost the entire country. These maps guided interviewers during the collection of data. In the census process, each interviewer was assigned to a specific enumeration area which included between 100 and 150 homes. The maps ensured that interviewers stayed within the boundaries of their assigned areas (enumeration area) and avoided omissions or duplications when visiting households.

Using enumeration areas also helped to better understand the costs of travel, the number of interviewers that needed to be recruited, and the materials that needed to be procured, so it was an important stage of both the planning and the census-taking process.

Training of preparation of Maps

Mapping Training (Head Quarter)

  • 7-2-2012 to 14-2-2012
  • Definition, Five types of Maps, How to draw for maps, Block Delineation/ Segmentation, Structure Listing

Block Delineation/ Segmentation, Structure Listing Training (Head Quarter,)

  • 28-1-2013 to 4-2-2013 (First batch)
  • 11-2-2013 to 15-2-2013 (Second batch)

Block Delineation/Segmentation, Structure Listing Training (State/Region)

  • 21-6-2013 to 28-6-2013

Training for Mapping

Field Mapping (2-5-2011 to 28-2-2014)

  • Preparation of Township, Town, Ward, Village Tract , Village map ( 2-5-2011 to 30-6-2013)
  • Operation of EA and Structure listing (1-10-2013 to 31-1-2014)
  • Quality control of listing and cartography (1-12-2013 to 28-2-2014)

Summary of Mapping Procedures

  • Preparation of hand sketch maps for townships, towns, wards, villages tracks, villages and enumeration areas
  • Plotting boundaries using agreed symbols
  • Plotting the maps on the location of towns, village tracks and villages using prescribed symbols
  • Representing physical features on the maps (i.e. rivers, roads and other landmarks) using the approved symbols
  • Showing structure numbers on the maps and recording
  • Demarcating enumeration areas within the wards (urban) and Village Tracks (rural) based on households and population records.
  • Writing area names, EA numbers and other place names legibly.
  • Making sure that the following information is shown strategically on the maps: map title, north arrow, map legend, summary table of households and population and official stamps of various field staff who reviewed the maps.

Types of Census Field Maps

Township Index Map

Town Key Map

Ward Map

Village Tract Map

Village Map



Ward Enumeration Area Map


Village Tract Enumeration Area Map

Structure and Household Listing Form – (EA)

The Final Census Maps

Supervision Area Map - Urban

Enumeration Area Map - Urban